Users with access to the onboarding functionality will be able to track the status of the onboarding invitations sent.
Pending Onboardings:
This filter view provides a detailed table of initiated pending onboarding invitations.
Select the "Onboardings > Invitations > Pending Onboardings"
- Onboarding pending - This status reflects an onboarding invitation that has been sent to a payee, but the payee has not yet initiated and completed the onboarding process.
- Awaiting verification -
- Verification Failed - This status reflects an onboarding invitation that has been initiated and completed by a payee, but has failed eftsure's verification screening process. The reason for the failure is documented in the "Verification Status" section of the onboarding. (Note: the "Incomplete" option can be used to communicate the error to the payee to update the missing or incorrect information and for the onboarding to then be re-verified.)
- Please review - This status reflects an onboarding invitation that has been initiated and completed by a payee. All onboarding invitations must be reviewed and accepted to complete the process. A reviewer has three options:
- Reject - This option will mark the onboarding status in an "rejected" state.
- Incomplete - This option allows a reviewer to write a message to the onboarding payee, informing them of any particular error or incomplete information provided. The onboarding payee will then be able to log back into the onboarding portal to correct and supply updated information.
- Accept - This option will mark the onboarding status in an "accepted" state. When an onboarding has been accepted, the payee's profile will be added to the payee management list of approved payees.
- 2FA code not entered - The onboarding process utilises 2nd factor authentication which requires the invited payee to input a code sent to their mobile number to submit their completed onboarding form back to the requesting customer. This status reflects an onboarding entry whose payee has already begun the onboarding application but has not completed the required 2FA code entry.
Accepted Onboardings
This filter view provides a detailed table of completed onboarding invitations that have been accepted by a first reviewer.
Select the "Onboardings > Invitations > Accepted Onboardings"
Completed Onboardings
This status reflects an onboarding invitation that has been initiated and completed by a payee and whose details have been reviewed and approved by a reviewer. When an onboarding has been accepted, the payee's profile will be added to the payees list of approved payees.
Select the "Onboardings > Invitations > Completed Onboardings"