Payees are eligible for self-certification when they are marked with an Orange Thumb indicating they have not been verified or they are marked with a Red Thumb
indicating there is an issue which needs review (i.e. the registered name does not match the customers disclosed VMF name).
There may also be cases where the payee has yet to complete the verification process via the eftsure portal for a particular reason (e.g. security policies from the payees end, prefers a different way of verifying, etc.) and that the customer’s Accounts Payable Department is aware and is confident that the details they hold are correct, thus they are still marked with a Red or Orange
Thumb and may be eligible for self-certification.
Once a payee record has been self-certified, the payee record will change to a Green Thumb
Certification Requests
This process by default will require 2 user approvals to successfully complete certification. (Note: The two signature process is an option which can be turned on or off by contacting eftsure support.)
1. Select the "Payees" option from the "Customer Options" ribbon.
2. Select option on the right of the associated payee record or perform a bulk certification by checking the tick-boxes next to multiple payees and selecting "Certify" on the right of the screen.
3. Enter a comment for reviewer as to reason for self-certification and select "certify" to trigger the certification request.
Certification Approval
Once the request has been submitted for approval, Customer Administrator or Payee Management users will be prompted in the 'Insight' section 'System Alerts' to approve these payees pending certification approval.
1. Select 'Pending Self-Certification Approval from the 'System Alerts' section of the Insights dashboard to filter the awaiting approval records.
2. Select option on the right of the associated payee record.
3. Input approver comments and select "Certify" to approve.
Cancelling Certification
Certified payees can be updated to remove certification and effectively update the status to its previous state.
Note: Removing certification requires Customer Administrator user privileges.
1. Select option on the right of the associated payee record.
2. Input certification cancellation comment for reference and select "Remove Certification".